LifeStone - Into Natural Crystal Massage Bar
A breeze of calm ambiance connects you to a Zen violet travel, invoking memories of peacefulness and accomplishment where you connect to the leaves, air, water, and fire. Soaking up mother nature as delicate floral notes sing and lavender buds dance, delivering the youthful glow that surrounds you.
Expand your mind and strengthen self-trust, all while you enhance your external beauty with this carefully crafted youthful skin-promoting soap. It contains a super-food; Organic Spirulina which provides a range of beauty benefits and embedded with an Amethyst which helps you reconnect with your intuition, as you ignite the creativity in your soul.
Amethyst is well known for helping you expand your views of the world, tapping into buried landmines of creative seeds as you remove unhealthy habits from your life, such as overindulgence and self-sabotage, that you may have picked up as life progressed. Naturally feel more grounded in your thoughts and actions as you form a deeper, more meaningful connection with the ground under your feet and nature around you. Indulge in the soothing scent of lavender essential oil as you beautify your body and mind to further solidify your love to mother earth.
- Gemstone: (1 piece) Polished Amethyst
- Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
- Good for: Balance • Intuition • Taking Ownership
- Mantra: "I am in control of my destiny...the universe is on my side"
- 4oz Soap Bar
- Contains Shea Butter. A super-food for the skin with natural vitamins for luscious silky later. Shea butter adds moisturizing and softening benefits to the skin.
Purified water • Organic Spirulina• Pure Lavender essential oil • Saponified oils of organic coconut oil • Extra virgin olive oil • Sunflower oil • Shea butter • Castor oil
- Completely Natural: Free of SLS, PEG, No Phthalates, No artificial fragrance, artificial dyes.
- Vegan and Cruelty-free
- Gluten Free